Asta: 541 / Contemporary Art Day Sale del 09 giugno 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 211

Max Bill
Transcoloration, 1965.
Olio su tela
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 31,750 / $ 34,925

( commissione inclusa)
Transcoloration. 1965.
Oil on canvas.
Signed, dated and with hand-written ownership information on the reverse. 60 x 30 cm (23.6 x 11.8 in).
• The variation of the diamond testifies to Max Bill's gift to visualize an unexpected variety of possibilities through the reduction to the gist.
• Signature work by one of the most important representatives of Concrete art in post-war Europe
• The year the work was made it was exhibited at the Zurich gallery of Suzanne Bollag, who was a friend of Max Bill and a passionate supporter of Concrete art.
• For the first time offered on the international auctions market (source:

We are grateful to Dr. Jakob Bill, max, binia + jakob bill stiftung, Adligenswil, Switzerland, for his kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Otto Binnig Collection, Waiblingen.
Private collection Hesse (inherited from the above).
Ever since family-owned.

EXHIBITION: Max Bill, Galerie Suzanne Bollag, Zürich, July 20 - August 31, 1965 (with color illu. and with a gallery label on the reverse).

Max Bill
Transcoloration, 1965.
Olio su tela
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 31,750 / $ 34,925

( commissione inclusa)