Asta: 328 / Rare Books del 19/20. novembre 2007 ad Amburgo Lot 570

Tschechien - Heber, F. A., Böhmens Burgen, 7 Bde. + 1 Bd. Mährens Burgen. ca. 1848

Heber, F. A., Böhmens Burgen, 7 Bde. + 1 Bd. Mährens Burgen. ca. 1848
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 2,040 / $ 2,244

( commissione inclusa)
Heber, F. A., Böhmens Burgen, Vesten und Burgschlösser. 7 vols. With 339 engr. plates (of 341) with 288 views on 263 plates, 78 footprints and plans on 64 plates, 78 crests on 6 plates and 6 engr. folding maps coloured in outline. Prague, C. W. Medau 1843-49. Contemp. half calf. Oblong 4to.
Nebehay/Wagner I, 241. - First edition. - A large number of the views and footprints were made after drawings by the author F. A. Heber. The nice views mainly show fortifications, castles and palaces, among them Blankenstein, Bürglitz, Friedland, Guttenstein, Hasenburg, Hauska, Jenstein, Karlstein, Kiepenic, Landsberg, Lipnic, Maidstein, Neuhaus, Okor, Pardubic, Pecka, Petschau, Polna, Rattai, Schreckenstein, Seeberg, Senftenberg, Swogssic, Talenberg, Trosky, Wischerad and Zbirow. - Plates partly connected. - Foxed, 4 plates and 2 ll. detached. Binding rubbed, edgeworn, 2 upper spine ends chipped. - Attached: Idem, Mährens Burgen und ihre Sagen. With 16 engr. plates after F. A. Heber. Ibidem 1848. Contemp. half cloth. Oblong 4to. - Nebehay/Wagner I, 242. - First edition. - The nice views show Pernstein, Mürau, Eulenburg, Maidenburg, Freistein, Hochwald etc. - Foxed and fingerstained, inner cover with remains of mounting. Binding rubbed.

Heber, F. A., Böhmens Burgen, 7 Bde. + 1 Bd. Mährens Burgen. ca. 1848
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 2,040 / $ 2,244

( commissione inclusa)