Asta: 402 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century del 14 maggio 2013 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 745

Otto Seitz
Hochzeitszug des Neptun und der Amphitrite (Ölstudie), 1874.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 5,625 / $ 6,187

( commissione inclusa)
Hochzeitszug des Neptun und Amphitrite (Ölstudie). Um 1875.
Oil on canvas.
140 x 179 cm (55,1 x 70,4 in).
Verso of canvas with stamp "Mal-Leinwandfabrik August Lenk München". [CB].

LITERATURE: Cf. Scientific inventory catalog of Neue Pinakothek, vol. VIII, 1-3: Deutsche Künstler von Marées bis Slevogt, Munich 2003. Vol. 3 (Sailer-Zumbusch), no. 8813, pp. 68f.
Cf. Friedrich von Boetticher, Malerwerke des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, 1901(1979), vol. 2 (2), no. 5.

Another oil study of this theme by Otto Seitz, which is a lot smaller (33 x 65 cm), is in possession of the Neue Pinakothek in Munich. Boetticher mentions the work's presentation at the Kunstverein Munich in 1875, which is why it can be assumed that the work was made around 1874 (Boetticher, vol.2 (2), 1901, no. 5). The original painting is considered lost. [CB].

Otto Seitz
Hochzeitszug des Neptun und der Amphitrite (Ölstudie), 1874.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 5,625 / $ 6,187

( commissione inclusa)