Asta: 305 / Rare Books del 13/14. novembre 2006 Lot 531

Conrad Ikenius - Antiquitates hebraicae

Conrad Ikenius
Antiquitates hebraicae, 1732.
€ 200 / $ 220
€ 202 / $ 222

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Iken(ius), C., Antiquitates Hebraicae, secundum triplicem Judaeorum statium, ecclesiasticum, politicum et oeconomicum. With engr. frontispiece (by Uhlich after Schumacher). Bremen, H. Jäger 1732. Contemp. vellum. 8vo. 7 ll., 618 pp., 44 ll.
Fürst II, 90. - Freimann p. 174. - UCBA I, 902. - Brunet VI, 29072. - First edition, rare (all bibliographies except Fürst refer to later editions only). - One of of the main works of the Bremen scholar Konrad Iken (1689-1753, cf. ADB XIV, 15f.); "Seine Bücher sind wahre Filigranarbeiten deutscher Gründlichkeit und deutschen Fleißes." (bound in) - Title in red and black.

Conrad Ikenius
Antiquitates hebraicae, 1732.
€ 200 / $ 220
€ 202 / $ 222

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