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Johannes Marquard - Politico-Juridicus, 1662.

Johannes Marquard
Politico-Juridicus, 1662.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,080 / $ 1,188

( commissione inclusa)
Marquart, J., Tractatus politico-juridicus de jure mercatorum commerciorum singulari. 2 parts in 1. With woodcut title vignette and engr. allegoric title by D. Theobald. Frankfurt, T. M. Götz 1662. Contemp. calf, front board with crowned giltstamped crest of Lubeck. Folio. 6 ll., 572 pp.; 744 pp., 69 ll.
Kress 1079. - Humbert 5735. - NDB XVI, 244ff. - Biogr. Lex. Schlesw.-Hol. VI, 182. - First and only edition of the important work on trade laws and at the same time main work by the jurist and politician J. Marquart (1610-68), mayor of Lubeck as of 1663 - Copy with autogr. dedication by J. Marquart on endpaper: "Dem löblichen Collegio der Schon(en)fahrer, unnd deßen Incorporirten Brüdern, offeriret nebenst anwünschung gedeihlicher prosperitet, und wachsthum der Commercien, zum freundtlichen Andencken, der Author dieses Buchs". - Somewhat stained in places and browned, all in all with worming, engr. title loosened. Upper spine end chipped. - All in all fine and remarkable copy of the important work on European law.

Johannes Marquard
Politico-Juridicus, 1662.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,080 / $ 1,188

( commissione inclusa)