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Aristoteles - Physicorum (et alia opera). 6 Tle. 1559. - Vorgeb.: Alciatus, Emblematum. 1573.

Physicorum (et alia opera). 6 Tle. 1559. - Vorgeb.: Alciatus, Emblematum. 1573.
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 1,440 / $ 1,584

( commissione inclusa)
Sanchez, F., Comment. in And. Alciati emblemata. Nunc denuo multis in locis accurate recognita, & quamplurimis figuris illustrata. Cum indice copiofissimo. With woodcut printer's device on title and 210 numb. emblemat. woodcut illustrations. Lyon, G. Rouillé 1573. Contemp. pigskin over wooden-boards, richly blind- and rollstamped and with 2 brass clasps. 8vo. 558 pp., 13 ll.
Baudrier IX, 345. - Duplessis 66. - Landwehr 679. - BM STC, French Books p. 8 and 394. - Adams S 244. - Not in Praz. - First edition with commentary by F. Sanchez. - Bound after: Aristoteles, Physicorum seu de naturali auscultatione, libri octo. J. Argyropylo interpretibus. 6 parts in 1 vol. Lyon, Th. Payen 1559. - Not in Baudrier. - Cf. Schweiger p. 60-61 and BM STC p. 25. - Second edition of this work by Th Payen after edition by J. Argyropoulo and F. Vatable, first published 1546 (cf. Baudrier IV, 234). - Contains: I. Physicorum seu de naturali auscultatione, libri octo. J. Argyropylo interpretibus. 215 pp. - II. De coelo libri quator. J. Argryopylo interprete. 111 pp. - III. De generatione et corruptione. Libri duo. F. Vatablo interprete. 64 pp. - IV. Meteorologicorum. Libri quator. F. Vatablo interprete. 128 pp. - V. De anima. Libri tres. J. Argryopylo interprete. 96 pp. - VI. Sensu & sensili ... Vatablo interprete. 111 pp. - Partly slight browning, 4 titles stamped,1 title with entries by old hand, 2 ll. glue together by page marker, 1 l. with ink holes. Spine repainted and slightly broken.
First edition with commentary by F. Sanchez. With woodcut printer's device on title and 210 numb. emblemat. woodcut illustrations. Contemp. pigskin over wooden-boards, richly blind- and rollstamped and with 2 brass clasps. - Partly slight browning, 4 titles stamped,1 title with entries by old hand, 2 ll. glue together by page marker, 1 l. with ink holes. Spine repainted and slightly broken.

Physicorum (et alia opera). 6 Tle. 1559. - Vorgeb.: Alciatus, Emblematum. 1573.
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 1,440 / $ 1,584

( commissione inclusa)