Asta: 22 / Online Sale del 15 novembre 2023 Lot 123001129

Heinz Mack
Lumière-Espace, 1959.
Aqua forte
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 3,937 / $ 4,330

( commissione inclusa)
Lumière-Espace. 1959.
Etching. Zinco etching.
Mack 10. Lower right signed and dated. Numbered on the reverse. From an edition of 25 copies. On wove paper. 19.8 x 24.5 cm (7.7 x 9.6 in).
Hand-made print by the artist. Published by Panderma, Basel in 1960. [CH/AW].
• Hand-made print by the artist.
• Characteristic print by the artist from the "ZERO" heyday.
• Light, motion and monochromy, especially the non colors blakc and white play a key role in Mack's creation.
• With a multitude of vertical and horizontal structural elements, Mack sets the picture in motion.
• Characteristic combination of painting and kinetic art: with the help of a relief, Mack succeeds in creating a particularly dynamic transfer from a three-dimensional model into two-dimensionality

PROVENANCE: Galerie Valentien, Stuttgart.
Private collection Baden-Württemberg (acquired from the above around 1979/1980).

LITERATURE: Pierre-Andre´ Benoit, La lune en rodage, Basel 1960.
Rene Axt, Carlo Belloli (eds.), 65 artists font un livre. Exposition des oeuvres constituant l'e'dition en exemplaires nume´rote´s de "la lune en rodage I" (oeuvres plastiques, litte´raires, musicales et filmiques), Galerie Francaise, Milan 1960.
Anette Fulda-Kuhn (ed.), Mack. Druckgraphik und Multiples, Stuttgart 1990, cat. no. 10 (with illu., no. 6).

In very good condition. Bottom center with tiny unobtrusive brownish stains. With small paper adhesions on the reverse (from am former mounting).

Heinz Mack
Lumière-Espace, 1959.
Aqua forte
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 3,937 / $ 4,330

( commissione inclusa)