Asta: 529 / Post War / Contemporary Art del 10 giugno 2022 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 232

Markus Lüpertz
Nach Marées - Gelber Kopf, 2002.
Olio su tela
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( commissione inclusa)
Nach Marées - Gelber Kopf. 2002.
Oil on canvas.
With the monogram in ligature in upper left. 100 x 81 cm (39.3 x 31.8 in) [EH].

• On the cover of the catalog "Martin Lüpertz" in the Kunstforum Wien 2006.
• Markus Lüpertz powerfully charges the compositional strategy of Marée's model with his painterly means.
• In the original painted wood and lead frame.
• Shown several times at important exhibitions

This work's authenticity was kindly confirmed orally by the Atelier Markus Lüpertz. We are grateful for the support in cataloging this lot.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Michael Werner, Cologne
Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki (until 2003)
Private collection Switzerland (acquired from the above in 2003).

EXHIBITION: Markus Lüpertz. New Paintings and Sculptures, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki June 16 - March 2, 2003.
Markus Lüpertz, BA-CA Kunstforum Wien May 9 - November 5, 2006, cat. no. 32, p.110 (illu. on catalog cover).
Markus Lüpertz - Hauptwege und Nebenwege. Eine Retrospektive. Bilder und Skulpturen von 1963 bis 2009, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, October 9, 2009 - January 17, 2010, cat. no. 119, illu. on p. 156
Markus Lüpertz - In’t Godlijk Licht. Gemeentemuseum The Hague June 25 - October 2, 2011, cat. no. 46 (with a label on the reverse).
Markus Lüpertz. Symbole und Metamorphosen / Symbols and Metamorphoses, Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg, March 25 - May 25, 2014, illu. on p. 217.

Markus Lüpertz
Nach Marées - Gelber Kopf, 2002.
Olio su tela
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( commissione inclusa)