Asta: 465 / Art of the 19th Century del 18 maggio 2018 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 54

Friedrich Kallmorgen
Sommernachmittag, 1893.
Olio su tela
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 12,500 / $ 13,750

( commissione inclusa)
Sommernachmittag. 1893.
Oil on canvas.
Eder G 245. Lower right signed and dated. 84 x 109 cm (33 x 42.9 in).
Verso of stretcher with inscriptions, an old label with hand-written number and restoration labels. [CB].

PROVENANCE: Collection Paul and Friedrike (Fritzi) Bleichroeder (1890-1943), Hamburg/New York
Ever since family property, Hamburg.

EXHIBITION: Große Berliner Kunstausstellung 1894, cat no. 796 (no illu.).
Akademische Kunst-Ausstellung zu Dresden, 1895, cat. no. 94
Frühjahrs-Ausstellung des Kunstvereins, Hamburg 1898, no. 167 (no illu.).
Friedrich Kallmorgen (1856-1924). Gemälde, Hamburgische Landesbank, exhibiiton on occasion of the company's 100th anniversary in cooperation with the Altonaer Museum, Hamburg, 20 August 1993 to 31 January 1994.

In 1881 Kallmorgen visited the Netherlands for the first time, until 1913 he made at least 15 study trips there. Impressions gained found reflection in many examples from his oeuvre. In 1919 the artist noted about his time in Volendam in 1889 in his memoirs: "It felt like being in a different world. The small houses nestled behind the dike, the tall people in their simple costumes on the dike and the harbor bustling with ships, bulky and strong boats with dark brown sails. As it was the case so often, I was riveted by the groups of fishermen with their characterful heads, by the playing children or by the girls folding their hands for the Angelus prayer. Back then there were hardly any strangers, apart from a couple of painters, accordingly, the elderly were reticent, only few of them were willing to be 'uitteekenen' or 'uitschildern' (painted), while the young children were happy to do so for just a few Cents. In terms of landscape there was not much to gain here, but it was a strange but beautiful place for figure studies. A finer place for a painter is hard to imagine." (Quote after: Sylvia Bieber, 'Man war wie in eine andere Welt versetzt'. Friedrich Kallmorgen in Holland, in: ex. cat. Friedrich Kallmorgen, Karlsruhe 2016, p. 51). The motif of the 'Sommernachmittag' (Summery Afternoon), was entirely painted plein-air during a stay in Rijsoord. A draft can be found in the sketchbook from the same year.

Friedrich Kallmorgen
Sommernachmittag, 1893.
Olio su tela
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 12,500 / $ 13,750

( commissione inclusa)