Asta: 451 / Post War I del 10 giugno 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 804

Henry Moore
Time/Life screen: Maquette No. 3, 1952.
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500

( commissione inclusa)
Time/Life screen: Maquette No. 3. 1952.
Bronze with green-brown patina, mounted on wooden base.
Bowness 341. One of 9 copies. 18 x 32 x 1.7 cm (7 x 12.5 x 0.6 in). Base: 2,5 x 35 x 4,4 cm (1 x 13,7 x 1,7 in).

The work is registered in the archive of the Henry Moore Foundation, Much Hadham, Hertfordshire.

PROVENANCE: Dominion Gallery, Montreal.
Private collection Ottawa.
Kaspar Gallery, Toronto.
Private possession (acquired from aforementioned in 1998).

LITERATURE: John Hedgecoe, Henry Moore, London 1968, p. 214 (presumably different cast).
Cf. Henry Moore. Sculpture and Drawings, London 1955, vol. 2, illu. 66 (the gypsum).
Cf. also the Time-Life Project David Mitchinson (editor), Henry Moore. Plastiken 1912-1980, with artist's comments, Stuttgart 1981, pp. 124-125.

In 1952 Henry Moore received the commission for the design of the balustrade of the London Time-Life building at the corner of New Bond Street and Burton Street. The architect Michael Rosenauer was known for his skilful combination of art and architecture. Accordingly, Moore faced the challenge of adapting his art to the local architectural requirements by making several gypsum casts in 1952. The balustradeconfines the terrace of the office building towards the street. Moore's process of creation and the artistic experimentation with the architecture are documented in several gypsum models in which Moore varies form, number and arrangement of his figures. This cast is not based on the final version, but on a previous variant.

Henry Moore
Time/Life screen: Maquette No. 3, 1952.
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500

( commissione inclusa)