Asta: 512 / Modern Art II del 12 dicembre 2020 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 472

Ewald Mataré
Liegendes Kälbchen, 1944.
Bronze with red-brown patina
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( commissione inclusa)
Liegendes Kälbchen. 1944.
Bronze with red-brown patina.
Schilling 257 a. Underside with stamped artist's signet. From an edition of 15 known copies. 4.3 x 13.3 x 7.6 cm (1.6 x 5.2 x 2.9 in).

• In Mataré's signature style
• Shaped like a palm stone
• Another copy is part of the collection of Kunsthalle Hamburg

We are grateful to Dr. Sabine Maja Kufferath (neé Schilling), Düren, for her kind support in cataloging this lot.

PROVENANCE: Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia (since at least the mid 1980s)
Private collection Rhineland.

LITERATURE: Each presumably a different copy:
Moderne deutsche Kunst seit 1933, ex. cat. Bern 1947, no. 192.
Duitse kunst na 1945. Ex. cat. Amsterdam/Eindhoven/Recklinghausen, 1954 (with illu.)
Henry Schaefer-Simmern, Sculpture in Europe today. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1955, no. 62 with illu.
Alfred Hentzen. Erwerbungen neuerer Plastik in den Jahren 1951 bis 1958. In: Jahrbuch der Hamburger Kunstsammlungen, 4, 1959, p. 201.
Ewald Mataré. Eine Werkübersicht. Ex. cat. Akademie-Galerie, Düsseldorf, 2005, no. 50.
Bestiarium. Tierplastik deutscher Bildhauer des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ex. cat. Georg-Kolbe- Musuem Berlin, 2009, illu. on p. 93.
Mein Rasierspiegel - Von Holthuys bis Beuys.Ex. cat. Museum Kurhaus Kleve, 2012, cat. no. 3.40 (with illu.).

Ewald Mataré
Liegendes Kälbchen, 1944.
Bronze with red-brown patina
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( commissione inclusa)