Asta: 548 / Contemporary Art Day Sale del 08 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 173

Gotthard Graubner
Ohne Titel, 1979.
Watercolor on paper
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 43,180 / $ 47,498

( commissione inclusa)
Ohne Titel. 1979.
Watercolor on paper.
Signed and dated in bottom center. 123 x 82 cm (48.4 x 32.2 in). [JS].

• Large-format, early watercolor of an intense radiance.
• In the 1970s, Graubner intensively explored the luminosity of colors on paper by applying the pigments in several layers and thus achieving a maximum color saturation of fascinating brilliance and depth.
• Since the 1960s, Graubner has been striving for the maximum liberation of color

PROVENANCE: Private collection Southern Germany (directly from the artist).

"In a next step, he wanted to treat the color, understood as a moving phenomenon, as a substance. This first happened in watercolors [..] Graubner opened up the pictorial field to the mass of paint [..] without formal reservations, using the running paint, its stagnation, soaking the ground, settling in the edges, forming puddles, running, blurring, retreating, covering, veiling. In addition to its flow property, the transparency of the watercolor substance was decisive for this use: saturated color fields and color light impressions only form after several transparent layers have been applied."
Dietrich Helms, quoted from: Gotthard Graubner, Zeichnung-Aquarell, 1946-1986, Bonn 1986, p. 46.

Gotthard Graubner
Ohne Titel, 1979.
Watercolor on paper
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 43,180 / $ 47,498

( commissione inclusa)