Asta: 352 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century del 28 aprile 2009 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 55

Jusepe de Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto - Martyrium des Heiligen Bartholomäus

Jusepe de Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto
Martyrium des Heiligen Bartholomäus, 1624.
Aqua forte
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,220 / $ 1,342

( commissione inclusa)

Martyrium des Heiligen Bartholomäus. 1624.
Bartsch 6. Brown 12 II (of II). Inscribed, signed andd ated on the plate. Fine impression on laid paper (with watermark "Lily in circle"). With bordering line and even margins. 31,8 : 24 cm (12,5 : 9,4 in), the full sheet.
EXPERTISE: Accompanied by a writing from Calcografía Nacional, Madrid, from 21 October 2008
PROVENIENZ: Private collection Spain.

Rubbings due to the age and minimal brown stains. Lower margin with subtls skinned patch. With negligibly smoothed centrefold, else well preserved. [CM]

Jusepe de Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto
Martyrium des Heiligen Bartholomäus, 1624.
Aqua forte
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,220 / $ 1,342

( commissione inclusa)