Asta: 448 / Post War II del 09 giugno 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 559

Erwin Wurm
Cajetan, 1998-2000.
Color photograph
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600

( commissione inclusa)
Cajetan. 1998-2000.
Color photograph.
Signed, dated "98/2000" and numbered 1/III. On photo paper, laminated on cardboard. 188 x 127 cm (74 x 50 in), the full sheet. [JS].

PROVENANCE: Krinzinger Galerie, Vienna.
Private ownership (since 2001).

"I have never had an interest in the body, just in the psychological subject, the individual." Said the Austrian Erwin Wurm with regards to his both funny and yet unsettling artistic creation. With the eyes of an artist Wurm dissects our everyday world, in his odd performances, installations and photo works he always comes up with deviations from the norm. Odd objects, supposedly common to us, such as houses and cars literally come apart at the seams, for instance in the works "Fat Convertible" (2005) or "Fat House" (2003) in which he dilated the objects to an unrecognizable state, or in the installation "House Attack", which he made for a large solo show in the Vienna Museum of Modern Art, showing a house which seems to fall from the museum’s roof upside down onto the observers. But man also becomes object isolation, deformation and alienation, as this photography delivers impressive proof of. Standing on a bare-branched tree in a garden in a residential neighborhood, man becomes a sculpture and a symbol of a liberating frontier crossing, as the I seems to be entirely devoid of the codes, norms and social constraints. In 2009 the ‘Städische Galerie im Lenbachhaus‘ showed Wurm‘s works in a large solo exhibition. [JS].

Erwin Wurm
Cajetan, 1998-2000.
Color photograph
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600

( commissione inclusa)