Asta: 366 / Rare Books including Marine Art del 17/18. maggio 2010 ad Amburgo Lot 564

Fotografie - Relatorio, 1868

Relatorio, 1868
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 408 / $ 448

( commissione inclusa)
Fotografie. - Pedro IV. von Portugal. - Relatorio apresentado a sua excellencia o ministro das obras publicas pela commissao nomeada em 26 de fevereiro de 1864 para tratar da ereccao do monumento a memoria de sua magestade imperial o Senhor D. Pedro IV. Photographias. Series of 87 mounted orig. photografs (of 88). Lisbon, Impr. Nacional 1868. Orig. half cloth. 4to. 8 pp.

Only edition of this rare series of early photographs. The collection documents concepts submitted to an official competition for a monument in onor of the Portuguese king Pedro IV. Most orig. photographs in a size of ca. 12-18 : 8-12 cm; partly with captions in French, Portuguese and Latin. The lavishly made publication was presumably released in a small edition. - Binding somewhat rubbed.

Relatorio, 1868
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 408 / $ 448

( commissione inclusa)