Asta: 429 / Post War / Contemporary Art del 04/05. dicembre 2015 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 955.10

Agostino Bonalumi
Bianco, 1983.
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( commissione inclusa)
Bianco. 1983.
Vinyl-Tempera on strructured canvas.
Verso signed and dated. 70 x 70 cm (27.5 x 27.5 in).

Acccompanied bya photo expertise issued by the Archivio Bonalumi, Milan. The work is registered with the archive number 83-045.

Along with form, space and line, color is of outstanding importance within the oeuvre of Agostino Bonalumi. It covers every shape with a uniform, monochrome tone. A specific role is given to white color, as it brings out the light and the shadow effects in a remarkably differentiated manner. In his work “Bianco” from 1983, the artist adds painted lines to the three-dimensional areas of his “Estroflessioni”. This practice also appears in other works of the time. The three-dimensional corpus of the picture forms a symbiosis with the two-dimensional, illusionist painting. Surface and space are merged at multilayers. The outlines disappear into an imaginary, ideal space, lines and forms could be extended indefinitely beyond the limits of the picture frame. According to Bonalumi, ambiguity is characteristic of his art, while he takes no interest in the immediate, obvious meaning. His oeuvre oscillates between mathematical or geometrical concepts, psychological phenomenons of perception and the imagination of the viewer, beyond all rationality.

Agostino Bonalumi
Bianco, 1983.
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( commissione inclusa)