Asta: 449 / Modern Art I del 10 giugno 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 248

Ernst Barlach
Der Flötenbläser, 1936.
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 48,750 / $ 53,625

( commissione inclusa)
Der Flötenbläser. 1936.
Bronze with dark brown patina.
Lauer 596 presumably 2 (of 3). Verso with name and foundry mark "H. Noack Berlin". Eines von 29 Exemplaren in Bronze, davon 3 Lebzeitgüsse. Height: 58.6 cm (23 in).
Presumably posthumous cast, made by art foundry Hermann Noack, Berlin, from 1939 on.
Other copies of this bronze are in possession of the following public collectios: Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg; Kunsthalle Mannheim; Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Ernst Barlach Gesellschaft, Hamburg.
Fine cast with a remarkably even patina.
Accompanied by a written confirmation by Ernst Barlach Lizenzverwaltung, Ratzeburg, 10/04/2017.

PROVENANCE: Dr. Osthoff, Bielefeld.
Galerie Wilhelm Grosshennig, Düsseldorf.
Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia (acquired from aforementioned in 1963).

EXHIBITION: Moderne Meisterwerke, Galerie Wilhelm Grosshenning, Düsseldorf 20 November 1963 - 31st January 1964, p. 61 with black and white illu.

LITERATURE: (selection, each presumably different copy)
Ernst Barlach, Die Briefe II, 1925-1938, published by Friedrich Droß, Munich 1969, no. 1327.
Carl Dietrich Carls, Ernst Barlach. Das plastische, grafische und dichterische Werk, 5th edition, Flensburg/ Hamburg 1950, p. 129.
Ernst Barlach, ex. cat. Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen 1959, no. 503.
Kunsthalle Mannheim, inventory catalog sculptures - plastic - object, Mannheim 1982, p. 71.
Anita Beloubek-Hammer, Ernst Barlach. Plastische Meisterwerke, Leipzig 1996, pp. 150 f.
Ernst Barlach und die Elemente, ex. cat. Ernst Barlach Stiftung Güstrow, published by Volker Probst and Helga Thieme, Güstrow 2000, p. 70.
Ernst Barlach. Mystiker der Moderne. Ex. cat. Ernst Barlach Gesellschaft Hamburg, Hauptkirche St. Katharinen, Hamburg 2003, p. 209.

In his sculptures Ernst Barlach almost entirely focused on the human figure, developing a characteristic style that added deeply human traits to it. Based on late Art Nouveau, Barlach attained an independent style that reveals a lot of his deeply humane position. Without following any classical idea, Barlach‘s sculptures are accounts of the present man, his everyday struggle with all its sublimity and fear. The massive plasticity of his sculptures are expressions of Barlach‘s grounded attitude, his quest for truth and realityin contrast to the idealized concept of man of previous generations. Barlach did not recreate man – just as it is the case with this bronze of a "Flute Player", he just formed him the way he saw and felt him.

Ernst Barlach
Der Flötenbläser, 1936.
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 48,750 / $ 53,625

( commissione inclusa)