Asta: 451 / Post War I del 10 giugno 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 806

Serge Poliakoff
Composition abstraite, 1958.
Olio su tavola
€ 250,000 / $ 275,000
€ 312,500 / $ 343,750

( commissione inclusa)
Composition abstraite. 1958.
Oil on panel.
Poliakoff 58-199 (see vol. III 1959-1962, addendum). Lower left signed. 81 x 56 cm (31.8 x 22 in).

Remarkably balanced compositon, characterized by an accentuated coloring.
The work is registered at the Poliakoff archive, Paris, under the number 958094.
We are grateful to Mr. Alexis Poliakoff, Paris, for his kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Otto Stangl, Munich (verso with the label, presumably 1962).
Galerie de Seine, Paris.
Privatsammlung New York.
Galerie Française, Munich
Collection Serviceplan, Munich (acquired in 2014 from the aforementioned).

LITERATURE: Peter Haller, Bilder der Seele. Kunst nach 45 - collection Serviceplan, Bonn 2015, p. 210.

Space, proportions and rhythm are the most important elements of Serge Poliakoff’s art. Contours between the color fields are always slightly bowed, accordingly the forms are subject to imperceptible vibration. Through subtly graded shades, an increasing density of forms towards the center and tension between the color fields make for the composition’s harmony and the paintings optical resonance. In his compositions from around 1960 Poliakoff increasingly used finely graduated nuances, the lucent red and yellow in this work is contrasted with the sober blue-green as static element. With unmeasurable creativity Poliakoff's works explore abstract painting on ever new levels: "Many people say there is nothing to see in abstract painting. If you ask me, I would need three lives and still would not have said everything that I have seen." (Serge Poliakoff, quote after: Künstler. Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst, edition 31, issue 21, III 1995, p. 2).

Serge Poliakoff
Composition abstraite, 1958.
Olio su tavola
€ 250,000 / $ 275,000
€ 312,500 / $ 343,750

( commissione inclusa)