Asta: 554 / Modern Art Day Sale del 08 giugno 2024 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 497

Renée Sintenis
Junger Elefant, 1926.
Bronze with dark brown patina
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 50,800 / $ 55,880

( commissione inclusa)
Junger Elefant. 1926.
Bronze with dark brown patina.
Right hind leg with the monogram "RS", left hind leg also monogrammed "R.S.". Höhe: ca. 8.5 cm (3.3 in). [JS].

• Renée Sintenis is one of the most important German sculptors of Modernism and was a formative figure in the Berlin art scene in the 1920s.
• Animal sculptures are Sintenis' artistic trademark.
• Sintenis captured the elephant's characteristic movement in bronze in a fascinating way.
• Sintenis is the mother of the Bear, Berlin's heraldic animal (1956)

PROVENANCE: Private collection Berlin.

LITERATURE: (selection, each different copy)
Ursel Berger / Günther Ladwig (ed.), Renée Sintenis. Das plastische Werk, Berlin 2013, p. 106, no. 086 (illu.).
Britta E. Buhlmann, Renée Sintenis. Werkmonographie der Skulpturen, Darmstadt 1987, no. 220.
Gustav Eugen Diehl (ed.)R. Sintenis, Berlin ne year (1927), no. 38.
Georg Kolbe Museum, Renée Sintenis. Plastiken, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik, Berlin 1984, no. 25.

Renée Sintenis
Junger Elefant, 1926.
Bronze with dark brown patina
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 50,800 / $ 55,880

( commissione inclusa)