Asta: 470 / Post War I del 09 giugno 2018 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 913

Günter Fruhtrunk
Enge-Höhe-Tiefe-Breite, 1980.
Acrilico su tela
€ 70,000 / $ 77,000
€ 172,500 / $ 189,750

( commissione inclusa)
Enge-Höhe-Tiefe-Breite. 1980.
Acrylic on canvas.
Verso twice monogrammed, dated, titled and inscribed. Stretcher with direction arrow and inscription "Gm 1872" . 194.5 x 259 x 6 cm (76.5 x 101.9 x 2.3 in).

The work will be included into the catalog raisonné of works by Günter Fruhtrunk, currently compiled by Dr. Silke Reiter, Günter Fruhtrunk Gesellschaft, Munich.

PROVENANCE: Private collection Southern Germany.

EXHIBITION: Fruhtrunk et seize artistes de Munich autour de lui. Continuité – discontinuité, Goethe Institut, Paris 1984, May 22 – June 22, 1984 (ex. cat. Kurt Petz/ Verena Kraft (editor), color illu. on cover).

"My pictures are discontinuity, call, peace, and tension - at the same time they are criticism thereof." (Günther Fruhtrunk)

With his pictures of basic geometric forms in intensive colors, the Munich artist takes the ideas of Constructivism to a rhythmical imagery. While works from his early period of creation are characterized by formal severity, colors in later works dissolve and the formerly accurate dividing lines between the color stripes become more fringed. The system of diagonal order is maintained, however, in a more monumental manner. Rhythm also remains key aspect of the pictures while it becomes more spacious and airier. Now the picture is less dominated by stripes and vectors but by color fields. In this painting yellow is the predominant color and coalesces with black and white. Light and its negation as darkness, as well as the colors’ expressive values are the main pictorial theme. Contrasts do not aim at a harmonious balance, on contrary, they provoke an impression of dynamic motion, a tension characteristic of Fruhtrunk’s oeuvre and decisive factor up until the end. [CE]

Günter Fruhtrunk
Enge-Höhe-Tiefe-Breite, 1980.
Acrilico su tela
€ 70,000 / $ 77,000
€ 172,500 / $ 189,750

( commissione inclusa)