Asta: 528 / Modern Art del 11 giugno 2022 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 451

Edgar Ende
Die Brücke (Die Zeit), 1936.
Olio su tela
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 93,750 / $ 103,125

( commissione inclusa)
Die Brücke (Die Zeit). 1936.
Oil on canvas.
Murken 91. Lower right signed and dated. Inscribed with the artist's name, the title and an address on the reverse of the stretcher. 100.5 x 126 cm (39.5 x 49.6 in).
• Edgar Ende is one of the most important German surrealists.
• Paintings from the 1930s are of particular importance for the artist's development and count among his most sought-after works on the international auction market.
• Renowned artist family: The relationship with his son, the famous writer Michael Ende, is characterized by mutual inspiration

PROVENANCE: Artist's studio.
Schloss Dietramszell, Bavaria (stored by the artist for safekeeping purposes).
Central Collecting Point, Munich (January 14, 1946 - February 06, 1946, with the inventory number on the reverse).
In the artist's ownership (retrieved from the above, February 06, 1946).
Private collection Austria (since 2001: Karl & Faber December 4, 2001).

LITERATURE: CCP, Munich, file card no. 18433 (BArch Koblenz B323/623).
Property Card 18433/Dietramszell 166 (NARA, Washington D.C., M1946, roll 208).
Reception of Edgar Ende's painting at CCP Munich from Dietramszell, January 10, 1946 (Repositories, Correspondence: South Bavaria, NARA, Washington D.C., M1946, roll 260, p. 12).
Proof of ownership E. Ende through Dr. E. Hanfstaengl, December 1, 1945 (Repositories, Correspondence: South Bavaria, NARA, Washington D.C., M1946, roll 260, p. 9).
Volker Kinnius (editor), Edgar Ende – Visionen aus dem Dunkel, on occassion of the exhibition at Städt. Galerie der Reithalle, August 21 - November 1, 1998, Paderborn-Schloss Neuhaus, cat. no. 77 (with illu.).
Karl & Faber, Munich, auction 202, December 4, 2001, lot 482.
“There is a great and yet very common secret. [.] This secret is time. There are calendars and clocks to measure it, but that means little, because everyone knows that a single hour can seem like an eternity, but sometimes it can also pass like a moment - depending on what you do in that hour experienced. Because time is life. And life resides in the heart.”
Michael Ende, Momo, Stuttgart 1986, p. 57.

Edgar Ende
Die Brücke (Die Zeit), 1936.
Olio su tela
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 93,750 / $ 103,125

( commissione inclusa)