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Alchemie und Okkulta - Cabala sive scrinia sacra, 1654.

Alchemie und Okkulta
Cabala sive scrinia sacra, 1654., 1954.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 240 / $ 264

( commissione inclusa)
Alchemie und Okkulta. - Cabala: sive scrinia sacra. Mysteries of state & government: in letters of illustrious persons, and great agents; in the reigns of Henry the Eight, queen Elisabeth, K: James, and the late King Charls. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. London, G. Bedel und T. Collins 1654. Ldr. d. Zt. mit RSch. 4to. 8 Bll., 347 S., 6 Registerbll., 4 Bll. Anz.; 6 Bll., 355 (recte 235) S., 4 Registerbll.

Wing C 184. - Nicht bei Caillet und Dorbon-Ainé. - Erste Ausgabe mit beiden Teilen, der erste Teil erschien bereits 1653. - "Professes to give impartially all the materials of the secret history of the last years of James, and the earliest of Charles, and especially those concerning the actions of Buckingham, the 'Subtleties of Spain', and the 'Practises of our Home-Roman Catholics, and of some of those who were called Puritans then.' Among the papers of interest new to the public were Bacon's Considerations concerning the Queen's Service in Ireland (undated) and a large number of letters from him and others to Buckingham. The whole is a curious medley of foreign, home, Irish, and even university affairs" (Cambridge History of English Literature VII, 489). - Zu Beginn mit kl. Wurmspur im Seitensteg, Ränder tlw. gering gebräunt, Haupttitel mit Randabschnitt, Titel von Tl. 2 mit Namensstempel. Einbd. beschabt und bestoßen, Rücken an den Kap. mit Fehlstellen.

Alchemie und Okkulta
Cabala sive scrinia sacra, 1654., 1954.
€ 300 / $ 330
€ 240 / $ 264

( commissione inclusa)