Asta: 552 / Collection Bunte del 09 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 508

Adolf Hölzel
Lesende (Glasfensterentwurf), 1926.
Colored chalk drawing over pencil
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 24,130 / $ 26,543

( commissione inclusa)
Lesende (Glasfensterentwurf). 1926.
Colored chalk drawing over pencil.
Signed in the image in lower left. On off-white wove paper. 116.5 x 41 cm (45.8 x 16.1 in), size of sheet.
This draft for the glass window "Lesende" for the study of Dr. Fulda, Lauta-Werk (later VEB Aluminiumwerk Albert Zimmermann) in Lauta was executed in glass in 1929. The wondow has not been preserved. The draft comes with a version of the leaded window from 2021 in a size of 107 x 33 cm. [CH].

• Hölzel's occupation with the specfic design qualities of glass art and the creation of the glass windows for the conference hall of the confectionery manufacturer Bahlsen in Hanover (1914–1918), would have significant impact on the developemt of his pastels over the following years.
• The artistic technique of cloisonnism used for his glass window designs, in which color fields bordered by black or colored line are juxtaposed, became increasingly evident in his work.
• In terms of style and motifs, these years were characterized by a fruitful mutual exchange betwenn glass window designs and pastels.
• In later years Hölzel also received commissions for glass windows, which he drafts in pastel, among them for the Stuttgart town hall (1928–1929), the Pelikan plant in Hanover (1932–1933) and for a staircase at the company Maercklin in Stuttgart (1933–1934)

PROVENANCE: Hermann-Josef Bunte Collection, Bielefeld.

EXHIBITION: Hermann Stenner und seine Lehrer, Museum Haus Opherdicke, Kreis Unna, September 5, 2021 - February 27, 2022, pp. 58 and 162 (fig., p. 90).

LITERATURE: Cf. Wolfgang Venzmer, Adolf Hölzel. Leben und Werk, Monographie mit Verzeichnis der Ölbilder, Glasfenster u. ausgew. Pastelle, Stuttgart 1982, p. 273, cat. no. G III 1.1 (fig.).

Adolf Hölzel
Lesende (Glasfensterentwurf), 1926.
Colored chalk drawing over pencil
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 24,130 / $ 26,543

( commissione inclusa)