Asta: 424 / Modern Art del 11/13. giugno 2015 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 202

Arthur Segal
Rotes Dach, 1910.
Olio su cartone
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500

( commissione inclusa)
Rotes Dach. 1910.
Oil on cardboard.
Liška 33. Signed and dated lower right. 36.5 x 31 cm (14.3 x 12.2 in).
Rear inscribed " Scheune. II. Juryfreie Ausstellung" by a hand other than that of the artist.
Early work influenced by Pointillism.

PROVENANCE: Art trader Maximlian Macht, Berlin Charlottenburg (with label on rear)
Raphael Valls, London
Richard Nathanson, London (a typographically inscribed label mounted on rear of frame)
Private collection, Rumannia.

EXHIBITION: Zurückgewiesene der Secession Berlin 1910. Neue Secession Berlin in der Kunsthandlung Maximilian Macht, 1910, cat. no. 47 (Title: Rote Dächer)
Arthur Segal. Ausstellung seiner Werke. Organized by the Jewish Communitiy's Ladies Commitee for the Association for the Support of Artists, Berlin, in the appartment of Mrs Dr. London, 1935, cat. no. 13 (here dated 1907)
Arthur Segal. Selection of Paintings, A Collection of Woodcuts arranged by Richard Nathanson, London, The Alpine Club, 2 - 14 April, 1973, cat. no. 2 with illu.
Liebermanns Gegner - Die neue Secession in Berlin und der Expressionismus. Max Liebermann Haus, Berlin 2 April - 3 July, 2011, no number, full-page color illu. on p. 183.

LITERATURE: Max Wykes-Joyce. Arthur Segal, in: The Arts Review, London. 1973.

The origin of this rural view was still under the influence of late Pointillism and van Gogh's stroke of the brush. What characterized the generation of painters from before World War I were their experiments with colors and forms in a new and unusual context. Works from these days emanate a lust for discovery that found expression in the spontaneous duct. A lot of what he had worked out in these early days found its way into Arthur Segal'slater oeuvre, which for its formal density and the unusual color canon is incomparable with works by his contemporaries. Abandoning traditions was decisive for these experiments and laid the basis for modern art in the twentieth century.

Arthur Segal
Rotes Dach, 1910.
Olio su cartone
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500

( commissione inclusa)