Asta: 477 / Classics of the 20th Century II del 07 dicembre 2018 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 412

Otto Modersohn
Dreebeen mit Mädchen, 1902.
Olio su cartone
€ 18,000 / $ 19,440
€ 21,250 / $ 22,950

( commissione inclusa)
Dreebeen mit Mädchen. 1902.
Oil on cardboard.
Lower left dated "VI.02". 38.5 x 55 cm (15.1 x 21.6 in).
Verso with a hand-written note by Mathilde Modersohn from January 1949, in which she erroneously ascribes the work to Paula Modersohn-Becker. A similar, signed depiction by Otto Modersohn of "Die alte Dreebeen" from the same year is also in existence (private collection Bremen, cf. Otto Modersohn. Monographie einer Landschaft, ex. cat. Otto-Modersohn-Nachlass-Museum Fischerhude, Hamburg 1978, p. 191). It shows a slightly altered landscape and does not feature the little girl interacting with Dreebeen. [CH].

With a photo expertise by Rainer Noeres, Otto-Modersohn-Museum, Fischerhude, from October 15, 2008.

PROVENANCE: Mathilde Modersohn, Bremen.
Johanna Ahlers, Hamburg.
Otto-Modersohn-Museum, Fischerhude.
Galerie Neher, Essen (verso with gallery labe).
Private collection Southern Germany (acquired from aforementioned in 2009).

EXHIBITION: Klassische Moderne, Galerie Neher, Essen 25.1.-9.5.2009, S. 16f. (mit Farbabb.).

"Paula and I have the same taste in art. We both love the intimate and primitive, the odd and special. [..] Paula helped me to find back to what I really am."
Otto Modersohn in a diary entry, 1902, quote after: Antje Modersohn (editor), Der Briefwechsel, Berlin 2017, p. 173.

Otto Modersohn
Dreebeen mit Mädchen, 1902.
Olio su cartone
€ 18,000 / $ 19,440
€ 21,250 / $ 22,950

( commissione inclusa)