Asta: 546 / 19th Century Art del 09 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 349

Christian Landenberger
Badende Knaben am Seeufer, 1909.
Olio su tela
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 22,860 / $ 25,146

( commissione inclusa)
Badende Knaben am Seeufer. 1909.
Oil on canvas.
Lower right signed and dated. Numbered "776-177" and inscribed "Simons" on the reverse. 71 x 91 cm (27.9 x 35.8 in).

• Landenberger is one of the most important representatives of Impressionism in southern Germany
• His paintings, filled with summery lightness, combine childlike carefreeness with atmospheric landscapes
• He shares the central Impressionist motif of bathing scenes with the great Impressionist Max Liebermann
• Light effects, coloristic freedom and loose application of paint turn his works into a painterly experience

We are grateful to Dr. Heinz Höfchen for the kind expert advice. The work is listed in the addendum vol. of the catalogue raisonné.

PROVENANCE: Feldmüller Collection, Stuttgart.
Ludwig Adolf Simons Collection (1876-1927), Elberfeld (inscribed with the name "Simons" on the reverse. The silk manufacturer and lottery winner Adolf Simons was a well-known collector of Landenberger).
Hermann-Josef Bunte Collection, Bielefeld.

EXHIBITION: Hermann Stenner und sein Lehrer Christian Landenberger – Werke um 1910, Kunstmuseum Albstadt, February 19 - June 18, 2017.
Hermann Stenner und seine Zeit, Kunstforum Hermann Stenner, Bielefeld, January 20 - June 10, 2019, p. 137, 219, cat. no. 106 (fig.).
Die Sammlung Bunte. Expressionistische Meisterwerke des 20. Jahrhunderts, Gut Altenkamp, Aschendorf, July 12 - October 25, 2020.
Hermann Stenner und seine Lehrer: Werke aus der Sammlung Bunte, Museum Haus Opherdicke, Kreis Unna, September 5, 2021 - February 27, 2022, p. 65 (fig.).

Christian Landenberger was one of the painters in Germany who became involved in Impressionist open-air painting at an early stage. After beginning his studies at the Stuttgart Art Academy, he continued at the Munich Art Academy from 1883 to 1885. Shortly afterwards, however, he dropped out of university and turned to a non-academic, direct approach to painting, in which he pursued new paths, particularly in landscape painting. Finally, in 1892, he would be a founding member of the Munich Secession and regularly showed works at the exhibitions until 1916. With the founding of a private painting school in 1895, this Impressionist influence also had impact on his students, such as Hermann Stenner, with whom he went on excursions into the great outdoors, especially into the idyllic Danube valley. One Impressionist motif that he repeatedly explored from 1893 onwards was bathing boys. Summer painting sojourns had repeatedly taken him to Lake Constance and Lake Ammersee, where the surroundings offered him the perfect conditions for the realization of light effects and the unspoiled unity of man and nature in his works. He also observed the natural movements and postures of the children without any artificiality. The surface of the water in particular allowed for an iridescent use of color, detached from the local color, which is applied in a loose and spontaneous style. Landenberger devoted himself both to the individual figure, as in "Bathing Boy on the Danube", which he integrates into a muted kaleidoscope of green, violet and ochre tones, and to the group, in which he embedded the figures in the summery space of air, water and warmth. For one of these motifs, "Sommerabend am See" (Summer Evening by the Lake, 1904, Neue Pinakothek, Munich), he was awarded a prize at the X. International Art Exhibition at the Glaspalast in Munich. The following year he was appointed professor at the Stuttgart Art Academy. The "Badenden Knaben", a motif to which Max Liebermann also devoted himself with great success in over 30 versions from the late 1890s onwards, is one of the central themes of German Impressionism and is therefore of central importance, largely due to Landenberger's artistic contribution. [KT]

Christian Landenberger
Badende Knaben am Seeufer, 1909.
Olio su tela
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 22,860 / $ 25,146

( commissione inclusa)