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Adam Walasser - Meßbüchlein. 1575

Adam Walasser
Meßbüchlein. 1575
€ 600 / $ 660
€ 900 / $ 990

( commissione inclusa)
Walasser, A., Meßbüchlein. In welchem begriffen ein Lateinische Meß, mit gründtlicher Erclärung, Verteutschung und Außlegung derselben Wort, Ceremonien und Gebräuchen. Item von vorberaittung zu der Meß .. Auch von ampt, dignitet und würdigkeit der Priester .. With 4 woodcuts in the text . Dillingen, S. Mayer 1575. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards with rich blind- and roll tooling as well as blindtooled center panels (crucifix and Justitia), signed "Meisder Georgius Kirsten". 8vo. 8 unnumb., 188 numb., 3 unnumb. ll.

VD 16, M 5503 (just the copy from the BSB!). - Bucher, Dillingen 422. - Not in the BM STC and in Adams. - Third edition of the work on the Catholic Mass, which was often published in the 16th century. Firsat released in 1572. - The edification writer Adam Walasser (1520-1581) subordinated his literary activities to the Catholic cause, in the sense of a counter reformation. - Very nice and well-preserved Dillinger print in a master binding by the Erfurt bookbinder Georg Kirsten , one of tghe founding fathers of the Erfurt bookbinders guild (cf. Helwig II, 35). Pastedown with calligraph. ex-libris "Süm ex libris Caspari müllers anno dm. 1582". - Clasps missing.

Third edition (first publ. 1572). Not in BM STC and Adams. Fine printing from Dillingen in a remarkable binding by the master Georg Kirsten from Erfurt (cf. Helwig II, 35): blind- and rollstamped pigskin over wooden boards with blindpr. panels (Crucifix and Justitia), signed on both boards. Pastedown with calligraphic ownership inscription from Caspar Müller, dated 1582. Well-preserved.

Adam Walasser
Meßbüchlein. 1575
€ 600 / $ 660
€ 900 / $ 990

( commissione inclusa)