Asta: 518 / Art of the 19th Century del 17 giugno 2021 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 13

Josef Wenglein
Bauernbub, am Gatter sitzend, Wohl um 1887.
Oil on canvas, laminated on panel
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 7,500 / $ 8,250

( commissione inclusa)
Bauernbub, am Gatter sitzend. Wohl um 1887.
Oil on canvas, laminated on panel.
Lower right with stamped signature. Inscribed and numbered and with a typographically inscribed label on the reverse. 32 x 55 cm (12.5 x 21.6 in).

PROVENANCE: Collection of retiored cavalry captain Ewald Liebrecht, Munich (until 1918, Hugo Helbing, April 6, 1918).
Presumably Collection Josef Etbauer, Munich (acquired from the above in 1918).

LITERATURE: Hugo Helbing, Munich, Ölgemälde moderner Meister aus nord- und süddeutschem Privatbesitz,April 6, 1918, lot 270 with illu. on plate XV.

Josef Wenglein
Bauernbub, am Gatter sitzend, Wohl um 1887.
Oil on canvas, laminated on panel
€ 800 / $ 880
€ 7,500 / $ 8,250

( commissione inclusa)