Asta: 474 / Art of the 19th Century del 23 novembre 2018 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 94

Wilhelm Trübner
Bildnis Nikolaus Trübner, Bruder des Künstlers, 1890.
Olio su tela
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 4,375 / $ 4,812

( commissione inclusa)
Bildnis Nikolaus Trübner, Bruder des Künstlers. 1890.
Oil on canvas.
Rohrandt G 248. Signed in upper right. 72.5 x 54.5 cm (28.5 x 21.4 in).

PROVENANCE: From the artist's possession (according to Beringer 1917).
From teh possession fo the artist's son, Dr. Jörg Trübner (according to Rohrandt).
Collection Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trübner (1920–1990), Bellevue/ Washington, USA.
Christie's, London, Auction of German & Austrian Art on October 9, 1996, lot 18 (with color illu.).
Private collection Southern Germany (acquired from aforementioned).

EXHIBITION: Selection:
Kunstwerke aus Karlsruher Privatbesitz, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe 1922, no. 275.
Trübner-Gedächtnis-Ausstellung, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel 1927, no. 71.
1929 and 1935 as loan at Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (according to Rohrandt).
Presumably: Romantiker und Realisten, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe 1965, cat. no. 10 (not in cat., verso of stretcher with a hand-inscribed exhibition label).
Wilhelm Trübner (1851-1917), Kurpfälzisches Museum der Stadt Heidelberg, Heidelberg/ Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Munich 1994/95, cat. no. 58 (with illu.).

LITERATURE: Selection:
Joseph August Beringer, Trübner. Des Meisters Gemälde, Stuttgart and Berlin 1917, illu. on p. 167.
Wilhelm Trübner, Personalien und Prinzipien, Berlin 1918, p. 34.
Mechthild Frick, Wilhelm Trübner. Untersuchung zur Krise des deutschen Realismus in der 2. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, Master Thesis, Berlin 1936, p. 74.

Wilhelm Trübner
Bildnis Nikolaus Trübner, Bruder des Künstlers, 1890.
Olio su tela
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 4,375 / $ 4,812

( commissione inclusa)