Asta: 358 / Post War/ Contemporary Art del 24 ottobre 2009 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 553

Salvador Dalí - Buchstabe S

Salvador Dalí
Buchstabe S, 1940.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 3,050 / $ 3,355

( commissione inclusa)

Pen and India ink drawing.
With several inscription. On wove paper. 25,9 x 21,1 cm (10,1 x 8,3 in), the full sheet.
With the collector's stamp of the Museo Perrot Moore, Cadaques (not in Lugt). The drawing was made as an illustration for a book, which was released in the USA in the 1940s. With a sketch in India ink on verso. Attached: Captain John Peter Moore, Les 678 très riches signatures de Salvador Dalí, Vienna 1984. [SM].

PROVENANCE: Collection Captain John Peter Moore.
Private ownership.
Private collection Astria.

LITERATURE: Captain John Peter Moore, Les 678 très riches signatures de Salvador Dalí, Vienna 1984, with a phosphorising reproduction of our p en and India ink drawing .

Salvador Dalí
Buchstabe S, 1940.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 3,050 / $ 3,355

( commissione inclusa)