Asta: 518 / Art of the 19th Century del 17 giugno 2021 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 3

Adolf Heinrich Lier
Kornernte, 1863.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 10,625 / $ 11,687

( commissione inclusa)
Kornernte. 1863.
Oil on canvas.
Mennacher 228. Lower right signed. Verso of stretcher with old, fragmentarily preserved labels, as well as numbered and inscribed by hand. 59 x 100 cm (23.2 x 39.3 in).

PROVENANCE: Julius Caesar von Kotsch-Etterbeck (until 1907, Bangel Frankfurt, Mach 19, 1907).
Collection Küspert, no place (since 1907, acquired from aforementioned, Bangel Frankfurt, March 19, 1907).
Presumably Galerie Schönemann & Lampl, Munich (verso with the fragmentarily preserved label).
E. A. Fleischmann‘s Hofkunsthandlung, Munich (1926).
Colonel Paul Max Kühnrich, San Francisco (acquired from aforementioned in 1928, presumably from aforementioned).
Private collection Southern Germany.

EXHIBITION: Commemorative exhibition on occasion of Adolf Lier's 100th birthday (1826-1882), May 1926, at E. A. Fleischmann‘s Hofkunsthandlung Munich, cat. no. 28.

LITERATURE: Rudolf Bangel, Frankfurt a. M., Verzeichnis der Gemälde alter und neuerer Meister aus dem Besitz des Herrn Julius Caesar von Kotsch-Etterbeck, auction on March 19, 1907, lot 127.

Adolf Heinrich Lier
Kornernte, 1863.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 10,625 / $ 11,687

( commissione inclusa)