Asta: 305 / Rare Books del 13/14. novembre 2006 Lot 38

Publius Ovidius Naso - Opera omnia. 1727.

Publius Ovidius Naso
Opera omnia. 1727.
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 1,012 / $ 1,113

( commissione inclusa)
Ovidius Naso, P., Opera omnia IV voluminibus comprehensa; cum integris J. Micylli, H. Ciofani, et D. Heinsii notis ... cura et studio P. Burmanni, qui et suas in omne opus notas adiecit. 4 Bde. Mit 3 gest. Frontisp. nach B. Picart und J. Goeree. Amsterdam, Janssonius-Waesberge 1727. Pgt. d. 19. Jhs. mit 2 RSch. und goldgepr. Rücken- und Deckelfileten. 4to.
Schweiger II, 631. - Ebert 15372. - Dibdin II, 268: "Notwithstanding a few imperfections, this beautiful and erudit performance may be considered as the 'editio longe praestantissima' of Ovid. Its various readings, sagacious citicisms, and judicious selection of the most valuable parts of ancient editions, render it a work almost indispensable to those students who wish to enter minutely into the beauties and illustrations of the poet." (Dibdin) - Tlw. gering stockfl. (letzter Bd. etw. deutlicher). Schönes Exemplar mit Besitzvermerk des Klosters Benediktbeuern.
With 3 engr. frontisp. after B. Picart and J. Goeree. 19th cent. vellum with 2 labels on spine and gilt fillets. - Partly slight foxing. Fine copy, with ownership inscription of the monastery Benediktbeuern.

Publius Ovidius Naso
Opera omnia. 1727.
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 1,012 / $ 1,113

( commissione inclusa)