Asta: 435 / Art of the 19th Century del 25 novembre 2016 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 48

Adrian Ludwig Richter
Rotkäppchen unterwegs, Ca. 1862.
Disegno a matita
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 438 / $ 481

( commissione inclusa)
Rotkäppchen unterwegs. Ca. 1862.
Pencil drawing, with minimal isolated wash.
Cf. Hoff/Budde 2801. On wove paper. 8 x 7 cm (3.1 x 2.7 in), the full sheet.
Verso with inscription.
The drawing served as model for the woodcut illustration of the same name released in: Es war einmal. Ein Bilderbuch von Dresdner Künstlern, Dresden 1862, published by J. Heinrich Richter. Printed by E. Blochmann and son, with together 51 woodcuts in the text. [CB].

PROVENANCE: Galerie Sabrina Förster, Düsseldorf.
Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia (acquired from aforementioned in 2000).

LITERATURE: Cf. Das Ludwig Richter Album, Sämtliche Holzschnitte. Herrsching (no date), vol. 2, p. 1598 (for the woodcut).

Adrian Ludwig Richter
Rotkäppchen unterwegs, Ca. 1862.
Disegno a matita
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 438 / $ 481

( commissione inclusa)