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Marcus Tullius Cicero - Orationes. 1499.

Marcus Tullius Cicero
Orationes. 1499.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 8,400 / $ 9,240

( commissione inclusa)
Cicero, M. T., Orationes per Philippu(m) Beroaldu(m) re cognitae ac dilige(n)ter correctae. Addita in calce Oratione adversus Valerium quae hactenus incognita fuit. With black-primed woodcut printer's device at the end and 1 drawn in decorative initial in colours and 1 drawn in armorial miniature in gold and colours. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris Faelli, 13 April 1499. Early 20th century calf. Folio. 271 non-numb. ll. Roman Type. 40 lines with running title.
GW 6771. - Hain/Cop. 5129. - Goff C 549. - BMC VI, 845. - BSB C-386. - Polain 4285. - Husung, Druckerzeichen 11. - First and very rare edition of Philippus Beroaldus. The speech Adversus Valerianus at the end is a forgery of Janus Cardo after Johannes Baptista Pius. - First ll. with few small worm holes and minor thumbing. Binding scraped. Cleaned and quite broad-margined copy from the collection William Morris, Kelmscott House Hammersmith. Also with nice ex-libris for the publisher and author Alfred Heymel by Heinrich Vogeler.
First edition by Ph. Beroaldus, scarce. With painted intitial in gold and colours, fine painted coat-of-arms at bottom of first text leaf and white-on-black woodcut device at end (Husung 11). Early 20th cent. calf (scratched). - First leaves with few small wormtraces and slightly fingerstained. Washed and very broadmargined copy from the collection of William Morris. Also fine bookplate of the German publisher Alfred Heynel by H. Vogeler.

Marcus Tullius Cicero
Orationes. 1499.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 8,400 / $ 9,240

( commissione inclusa)