Asta: 512 / Modern Art II del 12 dicembre 2020 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 406

Gabriele Münter
Beim Griesbräukeller in Murnau, 1911.
Olio su cartone
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 87,500 / $ 96,250

( commissione inclusa)
Beim Griesbräukeller in Murnau. 1911.
Oil on cardboard.
Verso dated "4.IX.19" and titled as well as inscribed "N.3" by a hand other than that of the artist. 33 x 44.5 cm (12.9 x 17.5 in).
The work is mentioned with the estate number L 541 in the exhibition at the Schloss Museum Murnau.
• Made the founding year of the "Blauer Reiter"
• With Münter's characteristic pictorial rigorousness
• Gabriele Münter marked her artistic transition to a synthetic and expressive painting
• Intimate view of everyday life in Murnau
• In 1908 Münter and Kandinsky stayed at the Griesbräu inn

Accompanied by a written confirmation issued by the Gabriele Münter- and Johannes Eichner-Foundation on June 16, 2020. The work will be included into the catalog raisonné of paintings by Gabriele Münter.

PROVENANCE: Artist's estate
Private collection Southern Germany (acquired from aforementioned)
Private collection Southern Germany (gifted from aforementioned).

EXHIBITION: Leonhard Hutton Galleries, New York February 20 - March 20, 1963, no. 49, (here titled "The brewery cellar") (verso with a label)
Leonard Hutton Galleries, New York 1966, no. 37 (here titled "The brewery cellar") (verso with a label)
Gabriele Münter 1877-1962. Retrospektive, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich 1992, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt 1992/93, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm 1993, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin 1993, cat. no. 102 (ex. cat with color illu.).
Gabriele Münter malt Murnau. Gemälde 1908-1960 der Künstlerin des "Blauen Reiters", Schlossmuseum Murnau und August-Macke-Haus, Bonn, 1996/97, ex- cat. with illu. on p. 47.
Gabriele Münter, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen July 3 - September 19, 1999, no. 27, color illu. on p. 107.

“We saw Murnau on an excursion and recommended it to Jawlensky and Werefkin - who also invited us in autumn. We stayed at the in Griesbräu and really liked it." Gabriele Münter, diary entry from May 1911.

Gabriele Münter
Beim Griesbräukeller in Murnau, 1911.
Olio su cartone
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 87,500 / $ 96,250

( commissione inclusa)