Asta: 552 / Collection Bunte del 09 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 533

Josef Eberz
Der Ersehnte, 1916.
Olio su tela
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 50,800 / $ 55,880

( commissione inclusa)
Der Ersehnte. 1916.
Oil on canvas.
Lower left signed and dated. 68.5 x 84.5 cm (26.9 x 33.2 in).
• Josef Eberz became part of the Hölzel circle in 1907.
• In many exhibitions shortly after it was made - at, among others, Galerie Hans Goltz, important gallerist and supporter of young art.
• Religios subjects are among Eberz' main themes.
• This is a typical work by the young artist, who found inspiration for the clearly defined color fields in Gothic windows and used the bright colors of the French Fauves

PROVENANCE: Collection Prof. Dr. Bernhard Heile, Wiesbaden.
Private collection Hermann Trick, Ziegelhausen (Heidelberg).
Private collection Baden-Württemberg.
Hermann-Josef Bunte Collection, Bielefeld.

EXHIBITION: Sonderausstellung Josef Eberz, Galerie Neue Kunst Hans Goltz, Munich 1917, no. 32.
IX. Sonderausstellung Stanislaus Stückgold - Josef Eberz, Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover 1917.
Josef Eberz - Edmund Fabry - Mely Joseph - Alice Lenhard-Falkenstein, Kunstsalon Ludwig Schames, Frankfurt a. M., 1917.
44. Sonderausstellung Josef Eberz, Neue Kunst Hans Goltz, Munich, 1918.
Josef Eberz, Kunstsalon Ludwig Schames, Frankfurt a. M., 1918.
Sonderausstellung Josef Eberz, Neues Museum Wiesbaden, 1919.
Ausstellung aus Wiesbadener Privatbesitz, Wiesbaden, 1919, cat. no. 20.

LITERATURE: Max Fischer, Josef Eberz und der neue Weg zur religiösen Malerei, Munich 1918.
Leopold Zahn, Josef Eberz, Junge Kunst, vol. 14, Leipzig 1920, p. 14 with illu.
Leopold Zahn, Der Maler Josef Eberz, in: "Der Cicerone", vol. 12, 1920, p. 606.

Josef Eberz
Der Ersehnte, 1916.
Olio su tela
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 50,800 / $ 55,880

( commissione inclusa)