Asta: 539 / Modern Art Day Sale del 10 giugno 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 344

Oskar Kokoschka
Blumenstilleben, 1967.
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 69,850 / $ 76,835

( commissione inclusa)
Blumenstilleben. 1967.
Lower right signed and dated. On wove paper. Visible area: 56.1 x 38.8 cm (22 x 15.2 in).

• First flower still lifes in oil came into existence as of 1925, however, those popular today were not made before the 1940s after he had emigrated to Great Britain.
• In the early 1950s Kokoschka and his wife Olda moved to on Lake Geneva where the large garden of his residence "Villa Dolphin" would become a rich source of inspiration.
• Kokoschka rendered the delicate watercolor onto the paper without a preliminary drawing.
• Today his drawings and watercolors are in the world's most acclaimed museums and collections, among them the Metropolitan Museum, New York, Tate Gallery and the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, the Centre Pompidou, Paris and the Bavarian State Painting Collection, Munich.
• The later years of his artistic career were crowned by success: In 1948 he participated in the Venice Biennale, in 1955, 1959 and 1964 Teilnahme in documenta I, II and III, as well as in the grand retrospectives at the London Tate Gallery in 1962 and at the Belvedere in Vienna in 1971

PROVENANCE: Private collection Hamburg (presumably acquired in the late 1960s).
Ever since family-owned.

"I had to continue practicing eyes and hands, especially when snowdrops, crocuses, hyacinth, daffodills and tulips sprouted after the first warm rays of the sun had melted the snow. With open eyes, everyday becomes a sensation."
Oskar Kokoschka, quoted from: ex. cat. Kokoschka als Zeichner, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, 2011/2012, p. 180.

Oskar Kokoschka
Blumenstilleben, 1967.
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 69,850 / $ 76,835

( commissione inclusa)