Asta: 523 / Art of the 19th Century del 11 dicembre 2021 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 360

Franz von Stuck
Monna Vanna, Um 1920/22.
Bronze with dark brown patina
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 32,500 / $ 35,750

( commissione inclusa)
Monna Vanna. Um 1920/22.
Bronze with dark brown patina.
Titled "Monna Vanna" and inscribed "Franz von Stuck" on front of base. Total: 54 x 9 x 9 cm (21.2 x 3.5 x 3.5 in).
Cast by C. Leyrer, Munich (with the foundry stamp on the reverse of the base's foot).
• Through the concentrated form and the reduced motion, Stuck pursued a path in sculpting towards Art Déco.
• The figure of Monna Vanna, heroine of Renaissance literature and Symbolism, unites all of Stucks's sources of inspirations.
• Ever since the rare bronze was acquired from the artist it has been family-owned and is now offered on the auction market for the first time

PROVENANCE: Private collection Bavaria (acquired directly from the artist, ever since familly-owned).

LITERATURE: Franz von Stuck. Maler-Graphiker-Bildhauer-Architekt, ex.-cat. Museum Villa Stuck, Munich 1982, p. 188.
Franz von Stuck. Pathos & Eros, .ex. cat. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 1995, p. 92, cat. no. 60 (different copy).
Claudia Gross-Roath, Das Frauenbild bei Franz von Stuck, Weimar 1999, p. 275.
Thomas Raff, "Die Kraft des Mannes und die weiche Schmiegsamkeit des Weibes": Franz von Stuck: Das plastische Werk, ex. cat. Franz von Stuck Geburtshaus Tettenweis 2011, pp. 104-105 (different copy).
Schönheit-Stärke-Leidenschaft. Die Plastiken Franz von Stucks in den historischen Räumen neu präsentiert, accompanying leaflet of the exhibiton at Villa Stuck Munich, published by Margot Th. Brandhuber, Munich 2020, p. 8 (different copy).

Franz von Stuck
Monna Vanna, Um 1920/22.
Bronze with dark brown patina
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 32,500 / $ 35,750

( commissione inclusa)