Asta: 498 / Art of the 19th Century del 18 luglio 2020 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 559

Franz von Stuck
Tänzerin, 1898.
Bronze with black brown patina
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 45,000 / $ 49,500

( commissione inclusa)
Tänzerin. 1898. Cast before 1906 (Stuck was ennobled in 1906).
Bronze with black brown patina.
Inscribed "Franz Stuck" on front of base. With the foundry mark "Guss C. Leyrer München" on rear. 63 x 23 x 32.5 cm (24.8 x 9 x 12.7 in).

• Dynami sculpture from the time of Stucks's marriage with Mary
• Characteristic combination of an ancient model and Art Nouveau lines

EXHIBITION: München 1869-1958, Aufbruch zur modernen Kunst, Munich, 1958, cat. no. 977 (different copy).
Franz von Stuck, Werk - Persönlichkeit - Wirkung, Museum Stuck-Villa, Munich, 1968, cat. no. 7 (a cast from after 1906 was on display).
Franz von Stuck, Gemälde-Zeichnungen-Plastik aus Privatbesitz, Galerie der Stadt Aschaffenburg/Augustinermuseum Freiburg/Städtische Galerie Rosenheim, 1994, cat. no. 71 (with illu., however, different copy).

LITERATURE: Otto Julius Bierbaum, Stuck, Künstler Monographien, Bielefeld and Leipzig 1899 (illus. 145 and 146).
Thomas Raff, "Die Kraft des Mannes und die weiche Schmiegsamkeit des Weibes": Franz von Stuck: Das plastische Werk, ex. cat. Franz von Stuck Geburtshaus Tettenweis 2011, pp. 48-52 (with illu.).

Franz von Stuck
Tänzerin, 1898.
Bronze with black brown patina
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 45,000 / $ 49,500

( commissione inclusa)