Asta: 484 / Art of the 19th Century del 24 maggio 2019 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 75

Alexander Koester
Mädchen am Marterl, Ca. 1890/1898.
Oil on canvas, aufgezogen auf Karton
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 375 / $ 412

( commissione inclusa)
Mädchen am Marterl. Ca. 1890/1898.
Oil on canvas, aufgezogen auf Karton.
Stein 23. 36.3 x 25.4 cm (14.2 x 10 in).
Early work by Koester, according to the catalog raisonné part of the first pictures and studies from Karlsruhe and early genre paintings. [FS].

PROVENANCE: Collection Otto Hollmann, Bergneustadt (acquired directly from the aforementioned).
Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia (inherited by present owner from the aforementioned).

Alexander Koester
Mädchen am Marterl, Ca. 1890/1898.
Oil on canvas, aufgezogen auf Karton
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 375 / $ 412

( commissione inclusa)