Asta: 428 / Modern Art del 03/05. dicembre 2015 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 260

Conrad Felixmüller
Porträt des Malers Alois Erbach, 1920.
Olio su tela
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 115,000 / $ 126,500

( commissione inclusa)
Porträt des Malers Alois Erbach. 1920.
Oil on canvas.
Felixmüller 204. Signed lower left. Verso signed, dated and inscribed: "No. 204. / A.E. in Klotzsche". 78 x 75 cm (30.7 x 29.5 in).

Expressive portrait of his friend and artist colleague from his best period of creation.

PROVENANCE: J.B. Neumann, U.S.A.
Collection Renger-Patzsch, Hamburg.
Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg.
Christie´s, London 1987.
Private ownership, Ingolstadt.

EXHIBITION: Felixmüller-Ausstellung, Graphisches Kabinett J.B. Neumann, Berlin 1921, cat. no. 20.
Galerie Pels-Leusden, Villa Grisebach, Berlin no date (with label on stretcher).
Conrad Felixmüller. Die Dresdner Jahre, zum 90. Geburtstag des Künstlers, Galerie Remmert und Barth, Dusseldorf 1987, cat. no. 59, with illu. on p. 69.
Conrad Felixmüller. Gemälde-Aquarelle-Zeichnungen-Druckgraphik-Skulpturen, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloß Gottdorf, Schleswig / Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof / Kunstverein Brunswick / Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, Halle an der Saale, 1990/91, cat. no. 15, with color illu. on p. 89.
Between Politics and Studio - Conrad Felixmüller. Leicestershire Museums, Arts and Records Service, Leicester 1994, cat. no. 20.

In his memories of Wiesbaden Conrad Felixmüller wrote: "The painter Alois Erbach became a good friend in those days. This remarkably modest man was involved in self-torturing inspirations of the most contrasting manner [..] In 1920 he was our guest in Klotzsche for some weeks and my pictures were like a guideline for him. I painted him twice, first in Klotzsche - very flowing, without any problems. The photographer Renger-Patzsch from Hamburg soon bought the painting. The second was made in Wiesbaden: 'Doppelbildnis Erbach mit seiner Frau'" (quote after: Conrad Felixmüller. Die Dresdner Jahre 1913-1933, Galerie Remmert und Barth, Dusseldorf 1987, p. 68).

Conrad Felixmüller
Porträt des Malers Alois Erbach, 1920.
Olio su tela
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 115,000 / $ 126,500

( commissione inclusa)