Asta: 534 / Contemporary Art Day Sale del 09 dicembre 2022 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 157

Günther Uecker
Kölnisch->Klause<->(Phobien), 1983.
Nails, wooden box, books and magazines
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000

( commissione inclusa)
Kölnisch->Klause<->(Phobien). 1983.
Nails, wooden box, books and magazines.
Twice signed and dated on the sidewalls. Verso signed, dated, titled and inscribed "Verlag Symbol", as well as with a direction arrow. Ca. 36 x 43 x 26 cm (14.1 x 16.9 x 10.2 in).
Accompanied by a photo of the artist's confirmation and the artwork. [SM].
• Made for the exhibition of the same name at the publishing house "Symbol".
• This is one of his rare bibliophilic works.
• Uecker makes everyday object means of artistic expression

This work is registered in the Uecker Archiv with the number GU.83.042 and will be noted for inclusion in the forthcoming Catalouge Raisonné.

PROVENANCE: Private collection Berlin.

EXHIBITION: Günther Uecker, kölnisch, klause, phobien, Symbol magazine publishing house, Cologne, 1983, ex. cat. p. 15 (with illu.) and p. 17 (with installation view).

LITERATURE: Lempertz, Cologne, Contemporary Art auction, November 19, 1991, lot 1174.
Lempertz, Cologne, Contemporary Art auction, November 27, 2013, lot 840.

Günther Uecker
Kölnisch->Klause<->(Phobien), 1983.
Nails, wooden box, books and magazines
€ 25,000 / $ 27,500
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000

( commissione inclusa)