Asta: 541 / Contemporary Art Day Sale del 09 giugno 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 157

Günther Uecker
Weisses Mahl - weisse Malzeit, 2007.
Nails, porcelain, white paint on panel
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 25,400 / $ 27,940

( commissione inclusa)
Weisses Mahl - weisse Malzeit. 2007.
Nails, porcelain, white paint on panel.
Signed, dated, titled and with a direction arrow on the reverse. 30 x 27 x 5 cm (11.8 x 10.6 x 1.9 in).

• In 1962, Uecker began to apply nails to everyday objects, liberates them from their original meaning and takes them to a higher level of meaning.
• The nail becomes the connective element that holds things together that have fallen apart.
• Uecker dedicates his entire creative energy to the liberation of art from cemented norms and constraints

This work is registered in the Uecker Archive under the number GU.07.015 and is earmarked for inclusion into the forthcoming catalogue raisonné.

PROVENANCE: Bege Galerien, Ulm.
Private collection Southern Germany.

From the early 1960s on, Uecker used nails as his main creative element - this material is still at the center of his work today. He begins by nailing objects and later combines nails with the themes of light and kinetics. The objects that carry his art have no intrinsic value. As soon as they are taken into the viewer's consciousness, they have fulfilled their purpose, they are a kind of gateway between the worlds. Similar to the Dadaists, Uecker relieves the objects of their everyday meaning, renders them unusable and places them on a higher level. He removes the boundaries of classic panel painting and expands the pictorial space into the third dimension. The boundaries between the image and the object become blurred, making a conventional evaluation of content and form impossible. In addition to the nail, Uecker also uses other unusual means of design, such as ash, wood and, as here, broken porcelain, find their way into his paintings. This way Günther Uecker once again shows his constant will to break with traditional concepts of art. [SM]

Günther Uecker
Weisses Mahl - weisse Malzeit, 2007.
Nails, porcelain, white paint on panel
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 25,400 / $ 27,940

( commissione inclusa)