Asta: 380 / Modern Art del 04 giugno 2011 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 69

Albert Mueller - Mädchen mit Figur

Albert Mueller
Mädchen mit Figur, 1925.
Olio su tela
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900
€ 13,750 / $ 15,125

( commissione inclusa)
Oil on canvas
93 x 84 cm (36,6 x 33 in)

PROVENANCE: From artist's estate.

LITERATURE: Alexander Klee. Albert Mueller Leben und Werk. Stuttgart Theiss, 1992 illu. no. 256, p. 210.

This work, which presumably originates from a sojourn in Paris, shows the influence of Picasso, who had discovered a classicism of compact physical forms for his art around 1922. Relevant features of Albert Mueller’s examination of his Parisian contemporaries‘ art are, among others, the standing figure in the rear and the folded cloth. The restrained coloring, which emanates a warm and calm atmosphere in this work, is in line with the principles of reduced means of expression in art from the 1920s. [KD]

Albert Mueller
Mädchen mit Figur, 1925.
Olio su tela
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900
€ 13,750 / $ 15,125

( commissione inclusa)