Asta: 366 / Rare Books including Marine Art del 17/18. maggio 2010 ad Amburgo Lot 69

Publius Vergilius Maro - Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. 1798.

Publius Vergilius Maro
Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. 1798.
€ 3,500 / $ 3,850
€ 4,080 / $ 4,488

( commissione inclusa)
Vergilius Maro, P., Bucolica, Georgica, et Aeneis. With 23 copperplates after Gérard and Girodet. Paris, P. Didot l'ainé 1798. Contemp. red half morocco (signed "Durand") with ornamental gilt spine, gilt-tooled ornamental cover border as well as gilt inside borders and gilt edges. Large folio. XI, 572 pp.Brunet V, 1294. - Lewine S. 554. - Schweiger II, 1182: "Truly magnificent print". - Cat. Maggs, French XVIIIth Cent. Illustrated Books 266 (erroneously dated 1791). - Cohen/R. col. 1019: "Edition splendide et de grand luxe." - 1 of 100 copies with the copperplates before letters, publisher's imprint signed and numbered by Didot (complete print urn 250). - Cohen-Ricci and Lewine mention 25 plates, all others mention 23. - Splendid edition on large paper. The nice broad-margined coppers after Gerard and Girodet by Baquoy, Beisson, Copia, Delignon, Godefroy et al. - Plates somewhat foxed, ca. 5 text ll. with traces of damp. Binding rubbed, edges and corners somewhat scuffed, outer joints slightly scraped.1 of 100 copies (complete print run 250) with the plates before letters, imprint signed and numbered by the publisher Didot. 23 broad margined copper engravings after Gérard and Girodet. Contemp. half morocco (by Durand) with gilt decoration on spine, gilt edges and gilt border on boards. - Plates somewhat foxing, about 5 text leaves waterstained. Binding scraped, edges and corners bumped, outer joints slightly rubbed.

Publius Vergilius Maro
Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. 1798.
€ 3,500 / $ 3,850
€ 4,080 / $ 4,488

( commissione inclusa)