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Titus Livius - Latinae Historiae. 1539.

Titus Livius
Latinae Historiae. 1539.
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 2,040 / $ 2,244

( commissione inclusa)
Livius, T., Latinae historiae principis decades tres. B. Rhenani & S. Gelenii adiunctae annotationes. Addita est chronologia Henrici Glareani. 5 parts and index in 1 vol. With 3 woodcut printer's devices (2 rep.) and numerous figurative woodcut initials. Basel, J. Herwagen 1539. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards with rich blind- and roll- tooling (portraits of Vergil, Ovid, Cicero and Julius Ceasar with crests between the portraits; one roll with Crucifixus, Moses, brazen snake and Salvator as well as tendrils) and renewed brass clasps and brass corner fittings. Folio. 2 ll., 63 pp., 2 ll.; 244 pp.; 243 pp.; 211 pp.; 91 pp., 68 ll.
VD 16, L 2096. - Adams L 1332. - BM STC, German Books p. 521. - Schweiger I, 530. - Reprint of the Froben edition from 1535, increased by an index of speeches. Text after the famous Froben edition from 1531, with the books 41-45 that were discovered by Grynaeus. With Glarean's tabular chronology of Rome's history. - Some worming at beginning, first and last 15 leaves somewhat stained, 6 leaves (incl. title) remargined at side or with rebacked marginal defects, front endpapers renewed. Else fine and broadmargined copy with some contemp. marginalia.
Enlarged reprint of Froben's edition from 1535, based on his famous edition 1531 with the books 41-45 discovered by Grynaeus. With 3 woodcut printer's devices (2 rep.) and numerous fig. woodcut initials. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards, richly blind and rollstamped (heads of Ovid, Vergil, Cicero and Caesar), brass fittings and clasps renewed. - Some worming at beginning, first and last 15 leaves somewhat stained, 6 leaves (incl. title) remargined at side or with rebacked marginal defects, front endpapers renewed. Else fine and broadmargined copy with some contemp. marginalia.

Titus Livius
Latinae Historiae. 1539.
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 2,040 / $ 2,244

( commissione inclusa)