Asta: 22 / Online Sale del 15 giugno 2024 Lot 123001569

Anton Stankowski
Farbkoordinate waagrecht-senkrecht, 1994.
Acrilico su tela
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 10,414 / $ 11,455

( commissione inclusa)
Farbkoordinate waagrecht-senkrecht. 1994.
Acrylic on canvas.
Signed and dated on the reverse of the canvas. With the stamp of the Stankowski Foundation Inv. no. "94.1.48" and a label typographically inscribed with the work's information on the reverse of the stretcher. 90 x 90 cm (35.4 x 35.4 in).

• A shimmering, lively composition that explores the fascinating potential of geometry.
• Anton Stankowski was one of the most important protagonists of Constructivist-Concrete art in Germany from the 1930s onward.
• The artist is the inventor of the Deutsche Bank logo (1974).
• In 1964 he participated in documenta III in Kassel.
• Works by Anton Stankowski are on display at, among others, the Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate.

In very good condition.

Anton Stankowski
Farbkoordinate waagrecht-senkrecht, 1994.
Acrilico su tela
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 10,414 / $ 11,455

( commissione inclusa)