Asta: 548 / Contemporary Art Day Sale del 08 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 209

A. R. Penck (d.i. Ralf Winkler)
Folge und Konsequenz, 1991.
Overpainting, Acrylic on canvas with silkscreen...
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 38,100 / $ 41,910

( commissione inclusa)
Folge und Konsequenz. 1991.
Overpainting, Acrylic on canvas with silkscreen print.
Unique object. 130 x 160 cm (51.1 x 62.9 in).
Overpainting from the series "Mensch und Tiere nach der Öffnung". [EH].

• "Menschen und Tiere nach der Öffnung" (People and Animals after the Opening) is the artist's most important group of works made after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
• The series "People and Animals after the Opening" is particularly significant in the oeuvre of A. R. Penck.
• Penck exhibited at the documenta in Kassel in 1972, 1982 and 1992, and at the Venice Biennale in 1984

PROVENANCE: Galerie Frank Hänel, Wiesbaden (label on the stretcher).
Private collection Frankfurt.
Private collection North Rhine-Westphalia.

EXHIBITION: A. R. Penck. Menschen und Tiere nach der Öffnung, Übermalungen 1989-91, Galerie Frank Hänel, Frankfurt a. Main, 2003, cat. no. ARP 7001, pp. 240 and 254 (fig. p. 255).

"For many people who came to the East from the West, the West was colorful. For me, this colorfulness was just an illusion. I saw the naked black and white picture behind it"
A. R. Penck, quoted from: Nathalie Acker, A. R. Penck, Wiesbaden 2003, p. 39.

A. R. Penck (d.i. Ralf Winkler)
Folge und Konsequenz, 1991.
Overpainting, Acrylic on canvas with silkscreen...
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 38,100 / $ 41,910

( commissione inclusa)