Asta: 548 / Contemporary Art Day Sale del 08 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 143

Adolf Luther
Sphärisches Hohlspiegelobjekt (beleuchtet), 1974.
Concave mirror, half transparent, round. Flat m...
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 22,860 / $ 25,146

( commissione inclusa)
Sphärisches Hohlspiegelobjekt (beleuchtet). 1974.
Concave mirror, half transparent, round. Flat mirror, illuminant, plexiglass cover, wood.
Signed and dated and with the stamp "Luther Licht und Materie" on the reverse. 93 x 62 x 14.5 cm (36.6 x 24.4 x 5.7 in).
The work can be mounted in portrait and landscape format. [AR].
• Strict serial arrangement of identical elements.
• The built-in illuminants enhance the effect of the specular light reflections.
• With his conceptual approach, Adolf Luther made an important contribution to light art.
• Participation in international exhibitions of kinetic art, "ZERO" and Op-Art

The work will be included into the catalogue raisonné of the Adolf-Luther-Foundation, Krefeld. The work is accompanied by a certificate.

PROVENANCE: Private collection Saxony.

Adolf Luther
Sphärisches Hohlspiegelobjekt (beleuchtet), 1974.
Concave mirror, half transparent, round. Flat m...
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 22,860 / $ 25,146

( commissione inclusa)