Asta: 547 / Modern Art Day Sale del 09 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 401

Lovis Corinth
Tiroler Bauernstube, 1913.
Oil on canvas, laminated on cardboard
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 38,100 / $ 41,910

( commissione inclusa)
Tiroler Bauernstube. 1913.
Oil on canvas, laminated on cardboard.
Signed in upper right. 63 x 80 cm (24.8 x 31.4 in).

• Made in a year that was significant both for his own biography and for art history in general: the first monograph was published, Paul Cassirer organized a grand retrospective with 228 paintings, Corinth regained physical and artistic.
• Particularly personal, intimate depiction of the artist's family during their summer stay in Tyrol.
• Powerful, expressive colors and lively style characteristic of the important German impressionist

We are grateful to Dr. Annette Baumann, Hanover, Dr. Angelika Enderlein, Berlin, Dr. Regina Stein, Berlin, Dr. Katja Terlau, Cologne and the research project "RSRG" for the kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Leo Nachtlicht, Berlin (at leats 1926-1932).
Max Perl, Berlin: Sammlung Dipl.-Ing. Leo Nachtlicht und Beiträge aus anderem Besitz, auction on February 6, 1932, lot 507 (not sold).
Robert Graetz, Berlin (presumably acquired from the ownership of Leo Nachtlichtin 1932).
Dr. Conrad Doebbeke, Berlin/Hanover (1954 the latest).
Elsa and Tomy Doebbeke, Hanover (inherited from the above in 1954, until 1958).
Lempertz, Cologne, Kunst des XX. Jahrhunderts (auction 451), October 28, 1958, lot 52 (illu., from the above).
Private collection, Cologne (acquired from the above in 1958).
Ever since family-owned.
In 2020 amicable agrement with the heirs after Robert Graetz.
Private collection Northern Germany (acquired in 2020).

EXHIBITION: Lovis Corinth, Ausstellung von Gemälden und Aquarellen zu seinem Gedächtnis, Nationalgalerie Berlin, 1926, cat. no. 210.

LITERATURE: Charlotte Berend-Corinth, Lovis Corinth. Die Gemälde, catalogue raisonné, Munich 1992, no. 484 (fig.).
"Painted in St. Ulrich, Val Gardena. I did Corinth a favor and invited some village musicians. We drank Tyrolean wine with them, and the picture was created in this happy mood."
Quoted from: Charlotte Berend-Corinth, Lovis Corinth. The paintings, Munich 1992, p. 128

Lovis Corinth
Tiroler Bauernstube, 1913.
Oil on canvas, laminated on cardboard
€ 40,000 / $ 44,000
€ 38,100 / $ 41,910

( commissione inclusa)